
Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2021
Mitsuki: "You called?"

View attachment 1963566

Honestly, you could repurpose this character back in, maybe with a new look perhaps. NTR is very popular in Japan and F'ing Bakago's Mom is something to consider, especially since Bakago is in it. Lisa is the most popular character in Urban Demons and her role is nothing more than NTR in that story.

I always prefer having it be that you have two moms. Maybe Deku's Mom and Bakago's Mom got married and now Bakago is your step-brother. He does fit in quite well as that angst antagonistic step-bro when you think about it. And he becomes even more angst and hostile not just because you are being treated as Mitsuki's preferred son, but also because while Inko is becoming more enticed into incestuous relations, so is her partner, Mitsuki. Easy way to have a three-sum.

Imagine this being your family in this game:

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You are the one at the end. So... You and Bakago never know who your dad is.
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Mitsuki had relations with a man at the same time as Inko. Mitsuki was about to get married while Inko wasn't. It is likely they were having a bachelorette party for Mitsuki for her wedding the next day. They both got drunk and slept with the stripper, who was you know who. Eventually, Mitsuki's husband found out and left her and the kid. Knowing the situation the two were in, they became close, became lovers and got married. Somehow being impregnated by the same guy and already being close friends who had experimented with each other in their earlier years made them very horny for each other. Now you have two moms and a bro who hates your guts. Also this makes more sense as to why Bakago hates you, while you are always trying to be friends with him since earlier days and now trying to be brothers with. Unfortunately, you actually inherited the libido from you know who making it harder for you to succeed in your quest to be bros with the "friend" you look up to as you are constantly getting laid while he isn't.

You know who has a condition that is the reason why he abandoned pursuing anything with Mitsuki and Inko, plus it was a night of passion due to alcohol consumption. I doubt he even knows that he has two sons.

There is a girl with smaller breasts. Ideally, you want to have girls with different body-types and then add in different boob sizes with that to offer flavor. You can add in half-ways which emphasize even more variation. Pear is small shoulders but wide hips, typically has small breasts and a large ASS, but you can also have large and huge breasts as well. Like if you haven't realize from the Mitsuki and Inko images on this post, Mitsuki is a Semi-Pear, while Inko is an Hourglass. Adding in height differences also helps add in even more variation.

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Think of it like this:

Height: Dwarf, Short, below Average, Average, Above Average, Tall, Giant (7)
Body Types: Average, Pear, Semi-Pear, Hourglass, Semi-Hourglass, Rectangle, Semi-Rectangle, Triangle, Semi-Triangle, Pump, Semi-Plump. (11)
Boob Sizes: Small, Average, Large (Mega), Huge (Mega+), Ginormous (Mega++) (5)
Muscularity: Little, Some, Quite, Very (4)

7*11*5*4 = 1540 variations of different body types before you start getting into iffy territories of interest. No one would expect you need just a pure balance of 15 hundred variations or even representation, but it does offer significant value to the idea of what is available within a game that is supposed to make you lower your sperm count after one hour of wanking. I am going to have 50 women in my game, well I have 1540 variations to choose from. That is more of the idea and even with that 50, some of them can be of the same type, just no more than 20% unless it is part of a theme like a Plump or Amazon woman date/sex game. In ideal terms of representation you should have 20% being average, 30% being above and below average (15% for each, below average doesn't necessarily reflect boob size so long as it isn't too much unless that is the theme of the game, lolis with huge boobs), 10-20% fitting some measure above "above average" in some regard, 10-15% fitting some measure below "below average" in some regard (easy way to still have good number of large boob girls is by having most of these girls in this 10-15%, over 50% of that amount be full-pear body shape since that does count) with 5-30% being something unusual between the two, which gives you that unique flare of diversity.
If someone were attempting a Doctorate in horny. Pretty impressive ngl, but that Mitsuki storyline sounds like a whole different game that another developer should tackle as that would be too convoluted for this game.
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Jan 15, 2019
Blossom's special abilities:
  • Ice Breath
  • Microscopic Vision
  • Lightning Bolts
  • Pink Laser Beams
  • Advanced intellect
  • Intuitive Aptitude
  • Exceptional Leadership skills
  • Enhanced Intuition
  • Danger sense
  • Photographic memory
Blossom is essentially the smart one. She is more willing to analyze from a distance, think of a strategy and can out-think any opponent, including machines. She is basically a friendly, ginger, female and cute version of Rick Sanchez with super powers, which Rick Sanchez can actually do (temporarily give himself powers).

  • Vaporiza (you can vaporize things)
  • Energy Orbs/Sphere (colored light blue)
  • Electric Blasts (colored light blue)
  • Zoopathy
  • Animal Whispering
  • Multilingualism
  • Laser-eye beams (colored light blue)
  • Thunder Claps
  • Sound Manipulation/Control
  • Hypersound Manipulation/Control (They all can do hypersound screaming, but Bubbles has perfect control over it)
  • Hypersonic sound blasts and waves
  • Ultrasonic screams and bursts
  • Supersonic shields
  • Hypersound combustion
Bubbles is the strong one and the empathic one. She is more sensitive to the feelings of others, but she also hits the hardest, which is shown by how she can beat up Blossom without any effort and gives Buttercup a run for her money.

  • Ball Blast
  • Black Hurricane
  • Superior fighting skills
  • Better toughness (some place strength down, no, she is not stronger than bubbles, she is tougher than bubbles)
  • Bright green-colored laser beams
  • Energy Orbs (colored light green)
  • Fireball (rubs her hands till smoke comes out and forms a ball then she hurls it)
  • Tongue Curling ( , I suppose her tongue curling can be useful somehow like changing her voice to sound like anyone, but it was just some gimick to imply that she was unique even though it was useless)

Intellect wise: Blossom > Bubbles > Buttercup
Strength (damage dealing) wise: Bubbles > Buttercup > Blossom
Tough (damage resistance) wise: Buttercup > Blossom > Bubbles

Overwatch wise:

Blossom is Symmetra
Bubbles is Pharah
Buttercup is Zarya

If someone were attempting a Doctorate in horny. Pretty impressive ngl, but that Mitsuki storyline sounds like a whole different game that another developer should tackle as that would be too convoluted for this game.
Convoluted? You mean it is too wrapped into Hero Academia that it would make the other genres that were added in like Mrs. Turner and the Power Puff Girls appear misplaced. Even though it still is ultimately a Hero Academia Porn Game with Extra as the central tenant is that you are going to a school for people with powers who are defined by having a quirk.

I wouldn't call making the two milfs be in a relationship and Bakago being your stepbro and later revealed to be your half-bro, convoluted. Convoluted would mean extremely complex and difficult to follow. It is not difficult to follow at all. All-Might is your biological father as is Bakago's. Bakago's mom accidentally cheated due to drinking too much booze, which does happen. Inko was also there. They both got Pregnant. It wasn't even revealed to be an issue since Mitsuki was supposed to get married the next day and he looked almost entirely like her, so no one suspected anything. That is until the boys are tested concerning their quirks. Everyone knew Bakago had a quirk, but testing was done just to see how far it extended in his genome. Did it had any relation with his mom's, could be a fusion of both parents. Deku had the same thing done for him, which showed he had no Quirk. That is kind of obvious. Because the two milfs were always close, and Inko is who Mitsuki could turn to after her husband had left her, the two fell in love and got married. The real take away is that you can easily get into a threesum and you don't have to be in the overused tropes of single mom or cheating mom with unsuspecting or uncaring dad. In this case, the dad doesn't even know he is the dad.


Because they established Almighty as Deku's Dad and Gwen as his sister. Yeah I see... hmm... I like the fact you have a sister, but... the fact you know Almighty is your Dad is a bit offput. I am guess this Gwen is Gwen Stacy.

It is kind of obvious. Nothing against it. And you can still make it so Deku learns that Almighty is his father because of the DNA testing. So it doesn't really retract from the story. Just have to find some way to make Gwen in it.

Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy is the daughter of George Stacy and Helen Stacy.

Oh I just thought of something Brilliant. What if Helen Stacy was a different Helen altogether. You have Helen Parr, Helen Gable, Helen of Claymore, Helen Sheldon of Asteroide Argo, Helen Garin of Metalmen, Helen Jordan (the niece of Hal Jordan, so Green lantern possibility), Helen Nightshade of Shadow Reavers, Helen Nichols of Attack of the 50 Foot Helen, Helen Takahama (Jolt) of the Thunderbolts, Helen Alexandros (Silver Swan) of DC (Wonderwoman) comics, and Helen Heart (Supurbia).

I have a toss up between Helen Alexandros and Helen Heart as who could be useful.

Anyways, Helen had an affair with Almighty. However, George doesn't leave Helen. He gets killed by the Green Goblin. And thus Gwen and Helen find the other offspring of Almighty, via a DNA test and now you have three moms and two siblings. That is not really that convoluted given this can tie Gwen and Mary Jane together as they are both from the same Spiderverse. The fact Helen, Mitsuki and Inko are in a relation is a bit of a stretch, but... it could happen. Now you can easily have a four to five-sum pretty early on.

Helen of Claymore might be most useful since she doesn't have a last name and therefore, Stacy can remain as her last due to that fact. I mean if she gets divorced or widowed (which is what I picked) does she now just go as Helen, that is quite an issue.

Anyways, Helen wouldn't just instantly be married to Inko and Mitsuki. Their marriage could make sense. Inko being Almighty's Beta for Mitsuki makes perfect sense. She is completely beta lesbian material. More likely, Helen and Gwen live with Inko and Mitsuki who live in a huge house (due to something story and plot related) and so can easily accommodate the others. You would later see these three intermingle as you get wrapped in this incest stuff.
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Jan 15, 2019
Oh I found another Helen. Sorry for making a second post, but the other one was getting a bit too long and this one had to be included.

She is in the game Dark Deception, one of the two major important characters.

Besides being a blonde like Gwen, her gothic persona does mesh well with Gwen becoming Spiderwoman. You know the whole Spiders and Witches bit. Very Halloween. As for Mary Jane Watson, could make her a Spiderman geek who really likes Spiderwoman. Again, the two are from the spiderverse. Easy to get something rolling between the two. But what are her powers? While becoming spiderwoman in Earth-8545 and Earth-2301 (This is one better) and Earth 18119 (This one is also pretty good), which is still something you can do. Nothing wrong with two Spiderwomen. Maybe Dynamic Spiderwoman and Amazing Spiderwoman to differ the two. The dynamic and amazing Spiderwomen.

and in her

You are not suppose to know who these two are and they are the big duo that are heroes almost on par with the pros even though they are just students. The school is a mix opinion about them. Why they have huge notoriety, they make life hell for the pros who want to be recognized. The girls keep themselves hidden by pretending their powers relate to other things and not spider related. They don't really want to be discovered due to the fact they fight villains on All-for-One's level and because they are not pros, they don't have the money nor insurance to protect themselves. This changes when Gwen lives with you as your Half-Sister. Oh and uh Mary Jane Watson is also your half-sister. That is why they are double, because they are sisters, raised by different families, but genetically they are related and only take on their adopted father's name because otherwise they wouldn't have one and they don't know what Almighty's real name is. As that is also hidden information.

I prefer the white suit bit because it matches and shows them being a duo.

Said she can alter someone's appearance. That is something you can work with, you know dick size and all.

Also, I know they live in an apartment rather than a house. Not a problem. Just make it a double decker apartment. That is an apartment with two floors.

It feels like a house, but it is actually an apartment that is has two floors to itself. That of course means you have 2 exit/entrance doors rather than one, which is a good means to avoid certain characters if you want a certain play.

Believe it or not, there is such a thing as a Triple Decker Apartment. I know, because I live in one. People think I live in Britain because that is normally the only place heard to have such apartments.

Oh by the way, there was also a movie about superheroes going to school.

It was called .

It is about a kid named Will Stronghold who is the child of two parents who are superheroes and he is first thought to have no super powers, but it is later revealed that he does from both of his parents.

His father is Steve Stronghold, called "The Commander" who has super strength and super durability. A lot like Mr. Incredible. He is a real estate agent.

His mother is Josie Stronghold, called "
" who can fly and has Black Canary reflexes. Her daytime job is a real estate agent. You can easily use her to teach a class in business, because that is a big part of the plot behind Hero Academia. You are a hero for profit to make money as noted from Mt. Lady.

There is inspired from Poison Ivy, Plant Lady. That is not her superhero name. I don't think she has one.

, Asian girl with dyed hair. She can turn into a Guinea Pig. Could make it so she can turns into animals besides Guinea Pigs. Kind of like beastboy, but she is a girl. Almost like the Wonder Twins.

, known as . She is the villain. She is a technopath. She has power over technology.

who runs that school. Her powers is that she can turn into a comet. There are no drawings of her in 2D. But there are movie clips of her.

There is also a good number of male characters to pick from two. ideally, the dad, the MC/Boy I had mentioned named Will, the bully (played by Steven Straight who was in the Expanse), Busdriver (played by Kevin Heffeman who was in Starship Troopers), and my favorite (who is played by Bruce Campbell who was in many works including Xena/Hercules and Evil Dead)
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Oct 15, 2018
I am having an issue, after beating Froppy in the pool if I stop to talk to Crystal the game crashes.
Is there a fix or should I just come back to Crystal at another time?
that happens to me too but for now Crystal don't have a storyline maybe in the next update
If the error message mentions "NameError: name 'cryPow' is not defined", and Crystal does not have a storyline, it is probably safe to use the "Ignore" option on this error.

You could also use "rollback" and avoid talking with Crystal until next update, which would avoid any "Ignore" compications.


Feb 13, 2021
Man Story has issues SexForAll
When visiting the nurse and getting sample from mc , should give mc healing ability which can be used in turn based combat by healing 2% of total hp after each move used.

Gwen should look more like marvel comics gwen ( having pink colour at the bottom of her hair ) and not like Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse movie.

Crystal and Medusa are Inhumans in Marvel. If they are being added, same name characters also appear in other hero/fantasy stories. Same applies for Invisible Woman Susan Storm of Fantastic 4 in Marvel vs the invisible character appearing in the game.

Leveling Up should take to Level 50 while in current Update, it shows Level 30 and in screenshots it shows Level 31. Hero Level should be Level 60 & Villian Level should be 55 for Ultron.

More Characters like Storm, Black Panther Shuri, X-23 , Kitty Pride , Rogue , Gwenpool , Emma Frost , Jubliee , Magik , Spider-Woman Jessica Drew or Silk, Ironheart , Ms. Marvel , She-Hulk , Scarlet Widow (Sister of Black Widow) , etc to add to the game.

More Abilities in Turn based Combat like Lifting Up Smash, Pressure Point Nullify,etc

Also in Story when you are getting the Pressure Point ability during the tournament, it should help in combat in certain extent. For example in the final battle in the tournament , when you attack , it should add 1% extra damage to villian so that story remains flawless and continues without being obligated. This should be considered as mc has absorbing ability.

Wanda's Story was great and will be exciting for future update of her.


New Member
Aug 13, 2019
So can you not change powers or what, And is it possible to beat azula. Whats the point of training if you're just gonna get your ass kicked anyways.
Oct 8, 2021
Why the hell did they make Raven such an insufferable bitch?! Seriously she could be cold to people she didn't know (and people she did know but Beastboy can try anyone's patience at times so I digress) but being outright hostile and belittling people isn't her thing.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2020
Why the hell did they make Raven such an insufferable bitch?! Seriously she could be cold to people she didn't know (and people she did know but Beastboy can try anyone's patience at times so I digress) but being outright hostile and belittling people isn't her thing.
Well, Scarlet Witch is a telepath and Jean Grey has fire powers... I believe the author doesn't read many Western comics
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Lupin the 3rd

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
Game is going to end in abandoned section.
Not really, the Developer should have at least one more Month to make a Patreon Post.
You don't really understand the rules here on this site.
The Games don't get a Abandoned Tag after 4+ Months without a new Build Update, it get's the Abandoned Tag after 4+ months without communication at all. So even a Patreon Post that says "here, some new pics of upcoming characters" is a communication Update so it's considered as Update. The last post from him was mid July. So he needs to post something until the End of October or at the start of November to not get the Abandoned Tag. That's something Icstor did every time, posted something at the end of the Deadline. But then Icstor fucked up and didn't posted anything within the Deadline so he got the Abandoned Tag.


Jul 8, 2018
All of the characters' tits look like they're exactly the same size. Like, in the cover image there's like 30 girls, right? Five of them go bigger, one goes smaller, aside from that everybody's the same. I think somebody on the team definitely has a type. I just know it's gonna bother me if I try playing it. If I didn't see everyone side by side like that, I probably wouldn't have noticed. I'm probably gonna pass on this for now, but I might come back to it later.
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