Unity - Completed - Uncle Pantyhose in Another World [v1.0.1] [Etching Edge]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent platformer with surprisingly good gameplay and okay H scenes. There are few proper H scenes, and many mini-interactions with the mobs as shown in the in-game screenshots. I'd give it a B for gameplay and C for H scenes. Not really for fap, though.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    It's ok. Some of the girls I liked don't have very appealing animations and the final boss was kind of weird. There are a few soft lock clipping bugs in the game. Wish there were more variety in the enemies/animations. You don't really get to have sex with most of the girls.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The visuals are good, the intro is funny, and the slave girl is cute, but that's about all I have to say for the positives.

    So to start off, the combat is obviously very bland. There are like 30 enemies in this game and almost all of them behave the same way. It'd be nice if each enemy had a unique gimmick instead of being a copy and paste of another with a different sprite.
    The bossfights (even the final boss) aren't very good. One thing I don't like about most fighting games is how you can basically win by mashing the attack button. This game is no exception. The boss's attacks are also very unreadable, but you wouldn't really have to learn them since you're just going to win first try by mashing.
    Overall could use lots of improvement but I like the art.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Not completely translated, so story is 0/10
    Gameplay was interesting, like any other mtroidvania, it was buggy.
    Animations are ok.
    Save files do not work propertly.

    Overall, download it only if you are looking to waste some time, you can finish it in an hour or two.
    Likes: Kak99
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun game you can finish it in approximately 2 hours.

    The game is indeed seems bugged the whole time, but I'm used to worse than that so I didn't mind it.

    Also, the MTL is the type that makes you wait a few seconds to see the translation, but the dialogues are short, a maximum of five sentences, so it is not a big deal.

    There are around 27 scenes in the gallery, but they don't include all the scenes you gonna watch during the gameplay. Like there is a slave owner boss and you can hug his slave during the fight, and I liked it but I didn't find it in the gallery so you may miss some stuff if you are only looking at the gallery using a full save. Also, the credit roll contained some exciting art that is not in the gallery.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    this seen more like an alpha than a full game, its have animations and a lot of girls but its very bland, the game can be finished in 1 hour and its not anything from another world a very simple game. the themes and the character are good but damm is so broken that it can spiral into a buggy mess at controlling the uncle, and the game is not even challenging if is that what you are looking for you're gonna be dissapointed
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Spam attack to win and very buggy for a side-scroller. Pixel animations are ok-ish but some seems to be re-used from prior titles. Somewhat disappointing overall, as I expected more from this developer.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Really cool game to do in a short time, simple in the gameplay and the story.
    A little bit buggy sometime but not gamebreaker nor frustrating.
    The hentai is quite simple but i like it. It have a lot of girl with 1 scene, its good for an easy and short game like this.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Aside from a pretty bad bug at the beginning (Dont try to enter the first crystal room without destroying the boxes first), pretty solid all around. Animations are nice, even if short. The gameplay is decent even if the button scheme is absolutely wack, but if you just get used to it, all is fine.

    Pretty short game but nice gallery, just lacks a few ui components.

    Would rate 3.5 for good animations, ok gameplay, and bad ui.