Others - Completed - Future Fragments [v1.0.1] [HentaiWriter]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I played a demo and I thought the game design was really solid.

    The gameplay itself is pretty basic. It seems like just your average hentai platformer. But the visuals are pretty smooth. The animations are good and I like the art style(s) (there are animated pixel graphics and still images as well). The music and sound effects aren't exactly memorable, but the voice acting is superb! I think nearly the entire game is voiced.

    At least from my experience of the demo, I expect an excellent result whenever the team finishes.

    Visual Appeal: 5/5
    Audio Quality: 4/5 (voice acting is the savior)
    Gameplay: 4/5
    Would Buy? Yes, I already have it preordered through Patreon.
    Likes: mc247
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best Hentai 2D Platformer games. The art is gorgeous and the level design is very creative. Also the developer has been very transparent with backers about the game, so it has been a joy to follow.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Finished the fire and electric levels, and I must say it reminds me of Megaman X5 game. Voice acting for characters other than the player was unexpected, but welcomed. Bosses were not too hard, just need to keep yourself alive and dealing some damage on the side.
    I think fire boss difficulty > electric boss because you have to pay attention to enemies spawning in the front while hitting the boss in the back occasionally.
    Likes: mc247
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Graphics, humor, sex and a really good voice acting made this game really good. Sometimes the control feels a bit rigid but its just a very small downside compare to the rest. It even features multiple ending ! One of the best hentai game I've played. Good Job guys !
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Edit 2024
    Well, I totally forgot I ever wrote this. Now the game's released, I'd give this a 3.5 if I could. Original review below.

    There was way too much story and dialog - much of it background or side-content - with the actually important information buried halfway through a bunch of dialog lines you have to advance through individually. There's no "hold button to skip dialog quickly".

    The quality of the writing varies a lot - some of it is interesting and even funny but often overstays its welcome. Even the game-over sex scenes are overflowing with dialog and voice-acting, it's rare that they just shut up and (get) fuck(ed) outside of gameplay animations. The voice-acting is consistently good in technical quality. I'm not sure if I can really comment on it further because my view of it is colored by the lines they're reading, and that's not up to the VAs. All I'll say is that overall, the scenes and many dialog sequences were over-written, and when encountering it in the adult scenes, tended to detract from them. it kille me boner :(

    The amount of H-content is just about satisfactory; At least 3 enemies, 1 trap and 1 boss with associated game-over sequences for each of the 4 levels - different animations for clothed/naked with each normal enemy -with a handful of side-events that have animations, roughly 1 per level. The animations are a slow > fast > finish loop and the art for them is nice. However, they don't really tie in to gameplay at all, rather only serve as an interruption. There is a "sexuality" stat but this only affects the endings and maybe some dialog options in the side-content.

    I will give props - the game is quite ambitious in how your choices in dialog affect your other interactions with NPCs later on in the game, and the endings. An adult game, where the content of those dialog sequences isn't sexual, is an odd choice for it though.

    Besides all that, the gameplay is decent. Movement and platforming are tight, the level gimmicks can be entertaining, if sometimes frustrating. You just get teleported back to the hub following the defeat scene if your HP reaches 0, you don't lose any progress except your physical location on that particular path.

    Each level has several series of rooms each making up a path, and your objective is to get to the end of each of them to unlock the boss. You solve puzzles and find crates with upgrades along the way - as well as the terminals which contain lots of voice-acted log-entries and such, and those pieces of side-content like finding Faye being fucked by an enemy or getting yourself into a situation. Some of the upgrades put an entertaining twist on your abilities.

    As of 1.0, large chunks of side-content in the last 2 levels are missing, and the gallery is a half-baked animation viewer.

    Original review:

    Future Fragments is a fem-protag action-platformer, backed up by excellent spritework for its diverse (but not too diverse) adult content. There are also puzzle elements, open-ended level-design and power-ups/equipment for the player to use.
    This is on top of a fleshed-out story/universe and (voiced) characters to match, with plenty of dialog and background fluff sprinkled throughout.
    Each of the five levels has its own theme, enemy and trap-sets, puzzles and gimmicks, topped with a boss.
    The environment art is extremely cohesive and just plain nice to look at, in addition to clearly-readable platforms, pitfalls, hazards and buttons.

    All enemies has at least two animations - one clothed and one naked - while some also have gangbang variations. Most levels also have traps.

    My main criticisms are how awkward it can be to swap between and use the different abilities. That and that fighting some enemies on some levels, and some of the puzzles and platforming can be tedious, frustrating or challenging.
    Of course the game does fall victim to the "lose to get (most of) the content" conundrum, but it's equally forgiving of failure.

    I've followed the game's development since early on, and little has changed except the amount of content - that's a good thing, it means the developers started with a good concept and haven't lost sight of their goals, or let feature-creep get the better of them, like so many other crowdfunded projects before it.
    The developers have been very open and transparent throughout the whole process, and iirc, put themselves out-of-pocket to make the game as good as it could possibly be.

    But those are relatively minor concerns; The game is otherwise very cohesive, has high production-value and isn't un-fun if you strip away the adult content.
    If you enjoy adult action-games and alien/monster-on-girl, Future Fragments should be top of your list.

    The developers recognise that piracy of their game can only help them, so you can try it out from right here. If you do enjoy it please consider supporting them on Patreon and/or buying the game, because that's how we get more high-quality adult games. And if it's not your thing, nobody has lost out.

    So yeah, get it downloaded and have a go, I doubt you'd be disappointed.

    Well, not so sure I stand by that last sentence anymore. On the scale of things, it is a decent game - just not quite to its potential.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Zalius Black

    Very promising game, will be this rating if it ends up delivering to what it seems to try to be. It has...

    -Regular access to h-content
    -GAMEPLAY? what??
    -Attractive Characters
    -Voice acting
    -Custom Music
    -Custom Art
    -A team

    If this was a stock I would invest
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game. One of the best platformers on this site in my opinion. The gameplay is fun and challenging. The art, both pixels and CGs, is sexy. Looking forward to buying the finished game and supporting the creators. Well done
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, so let me start off by saying this is the erotic game that started them all for me. And without this project setting the bar so high for me I wouldn’t have kept trying new games of the genre to see what else it had. And now I’m an immersed degenerate like the rest of you.

    Okay, so let me start off with the gameplay. This is going off of knowledge of the electric demo since that was what I played and what the game is intended to be like. It’s a 2d platformer metroidvania similar time crisis point extinction if you’ve tried that, but each zone consists of a single hub witch multiple branching pathways that lead to different areas that you can explore out to and unlock abilities or perks and find new enemies or ero scenes. It all feels smooth and fluid as almost every room requires you to think about what abilities you’re using and how you’re using them.

    Next let’s talk graphics, future fragments consists of high quality pixel art and animations in the same style. It’s all looks good and fits the theme well. All the characters look good and fit the levels they belong in, which is also beautifully crafted.

    Not much to say about the audio, but it has a nice track that doesn’t feel repetitive and the voice acting is done by high quality voice actresses and actors.

    The story itself is given in little optional terminals that you can choose to activate and listen to or ignore, but it is all interesting nonetheless. And it may give more info on ero screens that happen later on in the zone.

    Okay, now for the part everyone is here for. The sexy times. There are many different enemies you fight and traps that can catch you. This triggers an escapable scene between you and that thing, it slowly drains your health and when it does it gives you a cutscene that can progress depending on how many times you get knocked out by that particular enemy type. Then spawns you back at the main hub, you’d think this would make it take longer. But it feels great to almost speed run through areas that gave you trouble before.

    Regardless, if you haven’t tried this game. I recommend you do so, I really enjoyed it and it’s what really got me into all this. It’s also one of two games that I’ve ever put a lot of money towards. And I excitedly await its full release.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    this is and will be the best 18+game apon release.
    if you love side scroller games with a story.Traps and jokes
    you got it here. all in one super fun package.
    support this guy for more games from him.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game, with good mechanics and visuals.

    Probably one of the cleanest side scroller lewd games out there with quality production values cant wait for the full release

    THe game has multiple themed areas with voice acting and a clear progression system plus cg bad ends.

    The Dev is also very positive to the community and spends there time on the game instead of bloating their game with anti piracy software.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Devs have released at least one newer demo I think. Pretty large amount of content for a porn metroidvania style platformer. Definitely recommend picking it up on release or playing the newest demo. Easiest place to get links and learn more is the discord. iirc full release is Mar 2021.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game title is truly amazing, the gameplay and mechanics are very smooth. with the addition of the voices being absolutely perfect.

    And... I mean the animations are like the cherry on top. I cannot recommend this game enough.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best platformer game of this website, animations are so smooth and voice acting is perfect. Plus the game will be soon release, that's not another "dead game" like many other, keep up the good work !
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent VA's as well as good game play and a fun overall experience. You all really make the most out of pixelated graphics and have shown you guys are as excited to put Future Fragments out to the public as we are to get it. Excited for the full release so I can see what you guys have been working on beyond the demo.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Rare treasure. One of really promising H-games. First time I noticed this fire level on newgrounds if I remember correctly. my thoughts be like - oh cool game, very good animations. but after some time I joined to dev discord and saw how much effort devs put in game: story, animations again, voice actors, communication with the community . Guys please support the game. If not on patreon then buy copy on steam.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the first game I ended up supporting after finding it here. here are my thoughts.

    1. The game play: The controls were responsive and flowed well with the character. I didn't feel any delay in movement, attacks or actions. The demo I played was difficult but not impossible, I think it struck a good balance from what I played.

    2. The setting/story: Due to me playing kind the 2nd or 3rd map demo I was a little confused on what was going on but ended up catching on fairly quickly. I enjoy the mix of fantasy and tech it seemed to have. I can say the game could probably stand on it's own without sex but it wouldn't really be the same if I'm being honest.

    3. The dialog and voice over: I think my favorite part of this game is the voice actors. They are believable and fit their roles well. I don't know what work they've done before this but their talent truly does speak for it's self. :sneaky:

    Conclusion: It's a pretty damn good game. Not a lot of games get me hyped but this one certainly does and I'm already lined up to get it on steam when it releases. I do hope the whole game holds up to it's hype (or at least the hype I have for it).
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know what else to say, I've been following this game since waaay back there was only Fire Level and it's fun. It has more life than your typical hentai sidescroller with the lore and the voice acting (the damned voice acting did a damned superb job).
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, really fun to play and good animations. Little boring and tedius at times, but nobody it's perfect you know. Great progress along the way from the begining also. I'm waiting for the official release.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent platformer with awesome sprite graphics and CGs. Very megaman-esque in play style with traps and some platformer based puzzles. Great voice acting with 100% of the game being voice acted, no miscellaneous dialogue that goes unvoiced.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing sidescroller/platformer. Very high animation and voice acting quality, solid gameplay and variety. The gameover CGs are the only thing that could use an improvement as the art style isn't that great. Overall a very promising game, can't wait for it to release!